KCA Spring Meeting June 11, 2023-10am
*Pledge, Moment of Silence for departed community members, introduction of new homeowners.
*Treasurer’s Report-there is some missing items:
- RK Landscaping-no bills yet
- Police hut -no bill-donated money; KCA will resume paying for cleaning.
- Flowers for town-all donated-no bill; KCA will resume paying for flowers.
- Garbage: bills are lower due to the “Carry on and Carry Off” policy-this new policy seems to be working.
- $62,000 in checking and $62,000 in savings. A total of $124,774.36. Some of the money will be used for garbage cans in town, but not the beach.
- Dues paid: 18 houses paid their dues before this meeting. Many checks were collected at the meeting. Membership was at 72% last year!
- Directory: Cost of making the directory: $13,400.00 in ads were raised, the cost of the website and directory was $5500.00 and printing of flyers and QR Codes were $266.13, leaving a profit of $7633.87. We are still waiting for some payments from advertisers.
Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report-approved.
*Kismet Fire Department: Second Assistant Chief Buddy Schumacher reported:
- A round of applause for Karen Spollen for her dedication in assisting Kismet homeowners and renters when they have a medical emergency. Her efforts don’t go unnoticed. Karen, as an EMS responder, reports directly to the scene of the incident saving valuable time in an emergency. We cannot thank her enough.
- Less than ⅓ houses have numbers-please put your numbers on your house. Make sure it is VISIBLE. If you need help with displaying your house number, a firefighter will help; just let us know. Tom Licari offered to buy the numbers for you in the event you cannot make it to the store.
- If you have a call, please have someone flag down firefighters on the walk. Also, make sure your outside lights are on–remember to tell your house guests or renters the house number-post it someplace that is accessible.
- Please have a garden hose near your barbeque.
- Call 911 when you have an emergency. There is not a direct number to the Kismet Fire Department.
- Hurricane season is upon us. If you will not be home, please secure any items that may fly around.
- Please do NOT forget to change the batteries in your Smoke Detectors.
*KFD District-We have purchased 1 adult and 1 child epi pen. There are 2 pens in each kit.
CPR and Narcan training for our firefighters have been completed. A new AED was purchased.
We have a budget of $167,000. 9% goes to the district which is about $700 per household–$40,000 goes to the EMS fund (Saltaire FD) which is the biggest expense. Each year, by law, we can raise the tax up to 2%. This year the tax went up 1.7%. We have 2 new members which costs approximately $2500-$3000 to outfit each of them.
*Sam Wood:
- J.A.M. Fest: Thank you to the board and Metcalf family. Thank you for coming out and supporting us in this huge event. We had hoped to raise $50,000, however $110,000 was raised! Some of the places the money is being spent: $5,000 towards a nursing scholarship to a Bay Shore student. A new defibrillator was purchased. The Helipad is being shelved for now. Things are moving super slowly. However, the funds are earmarked for the Helipad. There will be another J.A.M Fest in Ocean Bay Park; details to follow.
- The sidewalk on Seabay is finally being repaired. After 3 years and many pictures, phone calls, measurements, etc. Hopefully the concrete will be poured in the next week or so.
- Historical Society: The website is set up. You can post things on it, post old pictures and add information on the website.
- In 2 years, we will be celebrating Kismet’s 100th anniversary! It was March 1925 that began it all. Sam is looking to do a fireworks display. He will be putting together a committee to make the 100th anniversary something special. There will be fundraising to offset the cost. Also, in 2025 we will be celebrating the 60th anniversary of the July 4th parade.
- This year’s 4th of July parade will be in honor of Vietnam Veterans. Sam is making a couple hundred “Welcome Home” buttons and is asking that we wear them for the parade.
- Town trash: Sam picks up about 99% household garbage. Every Friday he picks up items that are left at the curb. Sam requests that you put these items out before noon on Friday, so it is not sitting at the curb all weekend. If you need a special pick up, please call the office. Let’s keep the big items out of sight!
- Recycling starts Tuesday, June 13th —if you need a pail contact Sam.
*KFDA: Dana-thank you for supporting the Second Annual Kathleen Henry Plant Sale. Planning for the plant sale began over the winter and our committee did an amazing job. Thank you to Laura McLaughlin, Mary Passaro, Beth Flood, Jack Henry, John Altieri, who picked up the plants, and Tim Mooney who donated freight service for soil. Jack Henry was a big help and was always on hand! People as far as Robbins Rest and Bay Shore bought flowers. It was a successful event and the KFDA is already thinking about how to improve it for next year.
KFDA Events this summer:
- The Kismet Fire Department’s Annual 4th of July Parade is on Sunday, July 2nd at 11am. The KFDA will be marching if you are interested. Details to follow.
- Mahjong with Myrna on Mondays at 7pm
- BINGO with Ginny on Wednesday nights: 7pm kids, 8pm adults.
- Raffle baskets-throughout the summer
- Summer fitness at the Firehouse: Yoga on Mon and Fri 11:30am, Pilates on Sat and Sun please join us-no sign ups necessary/$20.00 a session.
- Joe and Kerry are working on a Night at the Races event-more info to follow
- Snapper Derby will be held on Tuesday, Aug 8th-if you want to sponsor or volunteer-please get in touch with Kim Sitone; volunteers are needed
*The Annual Sandcastle contest will be held on Saturday, July 1st. Please see Kismet Homeowners on Facebook for information.
*KCA sponsored Taste of Kismet is back! Mark your calendar for Saturday, September 30th. All are welcome to join in the fun. Anyone who wants to participate, please prepare bite size portions for this fundraiser. More information to follow.
*Erosion Control District- Crossovers and fencing came through the winter pretty well, compared to east end communities. However, there are some repairs that will be needed. Kismet Clean Up Day is scheduled for Sunday, June 25th. Repairs to the dune fence will happen then, as well. Gary will post where and when to meet.
*The Kismet Cut is closed-expecting more traffic to come through Kismet. Please be aware and be careful. June 24th is the last driving day.
*Old Business-Relic Station-Kim Sitone: there are currently 2 stations set up. Please take a basket and pick up trash that has washed up or was left behind. This is Not a garbage disposal place-this is for beach debris. The cost is $500. KFDA sponsored the program last year. Relic gives back 50%. This year’s sponsors are: Lambie Electric and Lazy Bones Chiropractic. Larry Cole will be a sponsor if a third 3rd station is installed. FYI-Lifeguards do pick up garbage around their stand and remove it. It is suggested that you bring a bag down to the beach for those people who do not have their own bags.
*Sidewalk District-Frank and Gary have a meeting with Senator Alexis Weil, Third District in June. There is about $72,000 in the Sidewalk District account. It is the hope to change the language so we can repurpose the money. The goal is to get the money back into Kismet.
*Elliott-Website and Directory: QR code cards were available at the meeting. Please post it at home. Elliott hopes to have this as a fundraiser “forever.” A big thanks to all who sponsored the ads.
Navigation: there are tabs; mode for thumbnails. Contact put in front, community services, special announcements, etc.
KISMETCA.com will have button to redirect to the directory.
The directory will be updated periodically-please email KCA Board with any concerns and it will be rectified. The Directory is open to all community members.
Ads for 2024 will begin soon. This is a tremendous resource for all to enjoy.
*Wastewater management-anyone building new construction-major construction-make you put in a new septic system about $50,000 and offer grants $11,000. FUJI system-takes about 1.5 days/DEC and permits and contracts for 3 years.
*E-bikes: when you charge your e-bike, please stay home with it; don’t leave it unattended. Do not use an out of manufacture charger; it can explode. Have a fire extinguisher nearby. Charge your bike outside if possible. Do not open the battery case.
*Pickleball courts: it was suggested that it would be nice to have Pickleball courts at the tennis courts. It was noted that the courts are not being used a lot of the time. Should we call the town to set this up? The noise level of the ball will impact homeowners living near the tennis courts. Camelot put down temporary lines, but there was not much interest. Discussion will continue.
*Security cameras were quoted at a price of $7,000 for 2 cameras. It was deemed to be not worth it. We will let this pass since there are cameras on the local businesses (Cole and Mooney).
*EMS Fund-Saltaire-$3500-$4000 for expenses and going up. When Kismet calls Saltaire they are here in minutes.
A vote was put forth for the KCA to donate to the Kismet Fire District towards the EMS Fund for $5,000. The vote passed.
*Woodhull School (Fire Island School District) – KCA will donate $1000.00 to the school. It was put to a vote and passed.
*Community cart-this is a service to go from ferry to your home
The cart has been updated with new batteries; additionally, repairs were made during the winter. A new driver has joined the force; Myrna will be trained and ready to begin driving this summer. If you need a ride, please call Gary at 516/ 319-1398.
*Speed Sign will be up next week per Sam.
- PayPal charges $10.00 per $250.00 so a check is preferable, also and the check gives you a record you have paid.
- Website says 2022, but you can still pay through that-the webpage will be updated soon.
*Nominations: 2nd Vice President and Secretary will be open until the next meeting. Both Tom and Wendy have agreed to stay on. If you’re interested in either of these positions, please contact the KCA.
*Tentative fall meeting: Sunday, September 24, 2023.
*Motion to Close
Respectfully submitted by Wendy Schou