Shark Attack

Hello everyone and welcome back.  The Fire Island Ocean District Lifeguards are looking forward to another great summer!  Unfortunately we had our first shark sighting of the season this afternoon.

At approximately 1:45 pm, the Kismet lifeguards reported an approximate 4 foot shark about 10 yards from shore swimming in an eastbound direction.  Bathers were safely cleared from the water and the beach was closed for 30 minutes to let the shark clear the area.

All Fire Island Ocean District beaches will display a purple flag in the lifeguard area, as well as red flags in our bathing area signs as per the Town of Islip Dangerous Marine Life Protocol.  Lifeguards will keep swimmers close to shore today.  Please be advised that the Fire Island Ocean District lifeguards will continue to remain diligent to observe dangerous marine life as well as baitfish pod’s in or near our bathing areas which can attract predatory fish.

At approximately 5:15 this afternoon there was a shark attack just West of West Lighthouse Walk in Kismet, the individual was bitten on the foot and was taken off to the hospital. Kismet KFD/EMS , Saltaire EMS, SCPD and FINS responded to the scene.

Please be mindful of the Purple flags and please don’t swim after the lifeguards are off duty.

Have a Happy 4th of July,

KCA Board

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